Friday, October 19, 2007

Where did it go?

We had a big morning here in the Trusty house. We woke up for our 5:00 am feeding, and we needed a diaper change. This is where we discovered Morgan's umbilical cord finally fell off! It's been hanging on by a thread for a day or two now, so I was incredibly excited to see it had fallen off. I also noticed that we lost a sock in the middle of the night. Now the question remains, where did it go? We cannot find the umbilical cord stump anywhere nor the sock. Sort of gross...

Anyway - here are some new pics as well. Ruben is finally showing a little more interest in Morgan. They came face-to-face for the first time today. I'm also obsessed with her hands. I wanted to take a picture before they get so big I can't remember how tiny they used to be!


helen said...

All your pictures are soooo precious!! She is such a CUTIE PIE!!! Glad to see Ruban is letting her in the family!1

Allison said...

How cute! You are so lucky...Maggie's cord didn't fall off for 1 whole month!

christina polk said...

YIPPEE for Morgan losing that cord! She is getting so big!! We HAVE to come see her this week! I will call you.