Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Chubby cheeks

I think this is a funny picture of Morgan. When she's not holding up her head, her cheeks poke out so much. It's endearing, I think. She's also been cracking some mega smiles, which we can't get enough of. I can't wait for the laugh!
Also... Morgan rolled over last night! I had her on her tummy and ran to the other room. When I came back, she was on her back! I put her back on her tummy and made her do it again and again. The only draw back is now she won't stay on her tummy for her "tummy time" now. The child may never learn to crawl. She hates being on her tummy more than anything.

1 comment:

christina polk said...

She is so cute!! I love those cheeks!!!We need to get together for a play date!