Sunday, October 2, 2011

This and That

Morgan has a BIG birthday coming up next week - 4 years old! I can hardly believe it. The poor girl woke up with a fever this morning, so I sure hope she gets better in time for her big party. Since big sis wasn't feeling well, just Mary Alice and I went to church this morning. She charmed all the old ladies big time this Sunday. One lady came up to me and said "can I just rub her back please". They are all so sweet and love them some MA.

Morgan and Dad's new game is to have relay races in the back yard from fence to fence. I'm glad Morgan chose Dad for this new activity because it looks tiresome.

Even Mo tires out and requests a back ride from dad every other race.

Don't you wish you could just pass out randomly like this and it be considered cute instead of unacceptable?

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