Saturday, January 8, 2011

Morgan's Big Girl Bed

I finally mustered up the courage to let Morgan sleep in her big girl bed last night. I've been putting it off for a while .... and for good reason. We had to move Morgan to a new room so the baby can have her old room. We fixed the big girl room up with old toys and all her new Christmas toys. She loves the room, just not so sure about sleeping in the bed. She kept crawling out and playing with all her toys in the dark. How she could see what she was doing is beyond me. She has amazing night vision. However, once she finally tired out and went to sleep, she stayed in the bed till 7:00 this morning. Matt was the first to hear her and ran to her room to find her opening her drawers and pulling out her baby dolls! So we just need to work on the going to sleep part. I can't believe my sweet girl is growing up!
For those of you who know Morgan, you know she hates an accessory. We don't wear hats, scarves, gloves, costumes, swim floats, nothing outside the normalcy of every day clothes. Well, this week, she has finally started showing interest in all her dress up clothes. I know Aunt Sissy will be proud! This is her playing "Princess and Frog" last night with her crown, boa, wand, and some heels you can't see. She's super cute!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

room for me? We may not sleep much but your pu--y will certainly feel good