Matt gave me the best Christmas present. I have been talking about sponsoring a child through
Compassion International, a Christian based program that works with missionary projects throughout the world to help release children from poverty and introduce them to Jesus. I've been amazed by their story, and I really felt it could be a small way we could make a difference. Matt picked out Lusenda for our family. She's 5 years old, and she lives in Haiti. She is responsible for fetching the water for her family, and she loves singing and running. Haiti has a 93% unemployment rate, so you can imagine the living conditions there. Most families try to sustain themselves by farming, but with floods increasing over the recent years it has been difficult. We've written to Lusenda once, and plan to write her as many encouraging letters as possible. At night, we are teaching Morgan to pray for her. If you are interested in sponsoring a child, please check out their link. It's a trustworthy program that's been around a while. It only costs $38 per month. The money goes to healthcare, food, clean water, and educational programs. The money goes straight to the missionary project in that region, not directly to the family. $38 per month is providing Lusenda with nearly everything she needs to survive and thrive. Matt and I currently spend more than that on cable, fancy cell phone plans, a gym membership we rarely use, the list goes on. It's certainly something to think about.