Thursday, June 27, 2013

Beach Trip 2013

I didn't do that great of a job documenting out 2013 beach trip, but here is what I was able to capture.  The girls had an absolute blast.  They did NOT want to leave!!!

Morgan's Pre-K Graduation!

Our sweet Morgan graduated from Pre-K last month.  It was really hard for her mama!  I can't believe she's growing up this fast!!!

Ballet Recital

Here are some pictures from Morgan's ballet recital last month.  She was precious!

Playing Catch Up

I was scolded last night by one of the only people on the planet still not on Facebook for not updating the blog. So here's some random pictures from my last post. Enjoy!

Mary Alice at the Dallas Zoo in April.

Morgan catching fireflies.

One of Mary Alice's after bath looks...  She gets creative after bathtime, not sure what it is!

Attempting to cheer on the Bulldogs for a CWS win!

Pretty girls posing after church!