Sunday, August 9, 2009

Morgan's First Trip to the Beach

We just got back from Morgan's beach trip. We went with our good friends, the McCarra's. Morgan and Hayes both had a big time. Morgan absolutely loved the beach - sand and all! I am not a big fan of sand myself, and I just had to suck it up when Morgan's sandy self would come plop down in my lap. But watching how much fun she was having made it all worth while. Heck, I got to just lay back and chill most of the time. Morgan would actually sit still for a while playing. Then good ole Dad would take her into the ocean and let the waves crash on her. She LOVED that. She was also fond of people watching. She would just sit in my lap and watch all the other kids and wave at everybody walking by. Below are some of the pictures. We were glad to finally see that Morgan and Hayes have actually started to notice each other. They had a big time playing together our last night. They chased each other around the condo for an hour after dinner (an hour past bedtime), and Morgan even shared some of her toys with Hayes. The last picture is Morgan kissing Hayes good night - so sweet!

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