Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mo's First Haircut

After sleeping till 9:30 this morning, Morgan decided it was time for her first haircut. It was really hard for me, b/c I don't want my baby girl growing up. But we decided her hair might need a little trim so that it can all grow in evenly. She behaved so much better than we imagined, and we were so proud of her. I think sitting in Daddy's lap helped the process immensely.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Where's Morgan?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Feeding the Baby

One of Morgan's favorite Christmas toys was a baby doll. She likes to pick the baby up, put her down, cover her with a blanket, and most recently "feed" her. She'll take a spoon, stick it in one of her toy kitchen pots, and then hold the spoon up the baby doll's mouth. It's so amazing to see Morgan "playing pretend". Here are some pictures of Morgan feeding the baby. Every now and then, she likes to sneak a pretend bite for herself! And she also smacks her lips like she's chewing. Too cute!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Poor Mo

Morgan woke up with a stomach bug this morning :( While I was washing ALL of her bedding, she got sleepy. So I made her a little bed on the living room floor in front of the TV. She just looked so sweet lying there, I had to take her picture. Notice Ruben next to her wanting the same set up for himself!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cotton Bowl

Matt and I celebrated the New Year by going to the Cotton Bowl in Dallas. We had a big time, and Matt is still hoarse from all the yelling at the game. Morgan stayed with her Nana and Pap in Greenwood for 5 days! We missed her dearly, but we were excited for an adult weekend. Happy late New Year everyone!